Converting NEO to pNEO on BSC

1. Please go to to create nNEO from NEO

2. In the top right corner click the wallet you would like to connect. We suggest Neoline. Choose your wallet in the pop-up window.

3. Choose NEO and input the amount you would like to convert

4. Confirm the transaction

5. Approve the transaction in the pop-up Neoline. Default amount of GAS is enough for transaction.

6. Please go to

7. Connect your Neo wallet and Metamask. Make sure you set BSC-mainnet as the network in Metamask.

8. Choose NEO as Asset and set networks to Neo and BSC

9. Confirm your transaction

10. After a certain amount of confirmations your transaction is complete

11. You can find your pNEO token by adding the custom token in Metamask (0xb119b3b8e5e6eeffbe754b20ee5b8a42809931fb)

Last updated